Entre los saxofonistas más interesantes del panorama musical actual, Eric Alexander destaca como uno de los mejores por su tono cálido, bien pulido y dotado de una imaginación melódica extraordinaria, además de una exquisita técnica y robusta armonía y un lirismo robusto. Un músico que atrae la atención por donde quiera que actúa y ha conseguido ser reconocido como una voz propia entre los músicos contemporáneos de jazz, con un sonido amplio y una autoridad poco frecuente en los músicos de su generación.
Alexander inicialmente atrajo la atención tocando en Chicago a principios de los 90 antes de trasladarse a Nueva York. Ha recibido elogios por sus álbumes de hard bop como Man with a horn de 1999, It's all in the game de 2006 y Song of no regrets de 2017, pero su nombre aparece en más de setenta trabajos discográficos junto a Jimmy Scott, Freddy Cole, Irene Reid, Charles Earland, Cecil Payne, Steve Davis o Peter Bernstein, entre otros, y ha trabajado con grandes músicos incluyendo el organista Mel Rhyne, el saxofonista barítono Cecil Payne, los pianistas Kenny Barron y Harold Mabern, el trompetista Eddie Henderson, el bajista Ron Carter y el baterista Joe Farnsworth. Ha grabado y realizado extensas giras con el sexteto One for All, una banda que sólo toca composiciones originales, y ha participado en las giras de Jazz at the Philharmonic revisited desde 1999. También forma parte del Groover Quartet de Mike LeDonne con Peter Bernstein y Joe Farnsworth.
Nacido en 1968 en Galesburg, Illinois, Alexander creció en Olympia, Washington, hijo de padres musicalmente inclinados que lo animaron a tocar el piano. Eric Alexander, comenzó a tocar el piano a los seis años, a los nueve el clarinete y a los doce años dominaba el saxo alto. Pero fue el saxo tenor, el instrumento definitivo que eligió profesionalmente. Mientras escuchaba a Charlie Parker, a Joe Henderson y a Dexter Gordon recibía clases de Joe Lovano.
Inicialmente un estudiante clásico, se matriculó en la Universidad de Indiana, donde estuvo bajo la influencia del destacado educador de jazz David Baker. Allí, comenzó a centrarse en la improvisación de jazz y finalmente se trasladó al William Paterson College en Nueva Jersey. Allí, continuó sus estudios de jazz, trabajando con intérpretes/profesores como Joe Lovano, Harold Mabern y Rufus Reid. También se empapó el trabajo de los maestros del saxofón, estudiando solos de Sonny Stitt, Dexter Gordon, John Coltrane, George Coleman y Joe Henderson. Después de graduarse, se trasladó a Chicago, donde construyó una sólida reputación tocando en bares y clubes locales.
"Las personas que escuché en la universidad siguen siendo las que me están influyendo hoy en día", dice Alexander. "Monk, Dizzy, Sonny Stitt, Clifford Brown, Sonny Rollins, Jackie McLean, Joe Henderson, el legado dejado por Bird y todos los pioneros del bebop, ese lenguaje y esa sensación, ese es el pan y la mantequilla de todo lo que hago. George Coleman sigue siendo una gran influencia debido a su enfoque armónico muy moderno, y todavía estoy escuchando todo el tiempo a Coltrane porque siento que incluso en los momentos más salvajes de sus solos de mediados a finales de los años 60 puedo encontrar estos pequeños granos de kernel. Información melódica y encontrar maneras de emplearlos en mi propio modo de interpretar”.
Alexander alcanzó la fama por primera vez al terminar segundo (detrás de Joshua Redman y delante de Chris Potter) en la competición Thelonious Monk International Jazz Saxophone de 1991. Rápidamente fue firmado y comenzó a grabar álbumes, encauzando su carrera profesional como músico de jazz. Hizo su debut discográfico en 1991 con Charles Earland en Muse Records, y como líder con New York calling en Criss Cross.
Tras trasladar su residencia a Nueva York, Alexander siguió su debut en Criss Cross con Straight up, publicado en Delmark en 1992, acompañado del pianista Mabern, el trompetista Jim Rotondi, el bajista John Webber y el baterista George Fludas. A lo largo de los años 90, el saxofonista continuó grabando para Criss Cross y Delmark, lanzando una serie de álbumes bien recibidos como Full range de 1994, Stablemates de 1995 con el veterano saxofonista tenor Lin Halliday, y Mode for mabes de 1998. En 1998 lanzó Solid!, una sesión de cuarteto con George Mraz, John Hicks e Idris Muhammad. Ese mismo año hizo su primera grabación con el sexteto One for All. También formó parte de la sesión de Tenor Triangle de Criss Cross y grabó con Cecil Payne, Rob Mazurek y Charles Earland; este último apareció en la sesión de 1999 del saxofonista Alexander the Great. Obtuvo elogios de los críticos y, lo que es más importante, estableció su propia voz dentro de la tradición bebop.
También durante este período, cofundó el supergrupo de jazz One for All con el trompetista Rotondi, el pianista Hazeltine, el bajista Webber, el trombonista Steve Davis y el baterista Joe Farnsworth. Un conjunto de duros cambios en el molde de Art Blakey’s Jazz Messengers, con giras frecuentes de One for All, y ha lanzado una gran cantidad de álbumes desde finales de los 90, incluyendo Too soon to tell, Wide horizons, y What's going on? Junto con su trabajo continuo con One for All, Alexander se ha mantenido ocupado emitiendo una serie constante de sus propias grabaciones. Su undécimo álbum, Man with a horn, llegó en 1999 en el sello Milestone, que también publicó su siguiente disco, The first Milestone, en 2000. Una tercera fecha de Milestone, Summit meeting, apareció en 2002 y contó con un lugar invitado para el trompetista Nicholas Payton.
En 2004, Eric firmó un contrato exclusivo con un sello de jazz independiente de Nueva York, HighNote Records, donde ha acumulado una considerable discografía de grabaciones aclamadas por la crítica. A partir de Dead Center de 2004, Alexander ha continuado grabando en el sello, emitiendo álbumes como Battle: Live at Smoke con el saxofonista alto Vincent Herring en 2005, Temple of Olympic Zeus en 2007, Revival of the fittest en 2009, y Don't follow the crowd en 2011. En 2012, Alexander una vez más se emparejó con el saxofonista igualmente adepto Herring para el álbum en directo Friendly fire: Live at Smoke. En 2013, publicó Touching, un álbum de baladas de un músico en su madurez. Un año más tarde, rindió homenaje a su ciudad natal adoptiva de Chicago con el álbum Chicago fire.
El álbum de estudio The real thing llegó en 2015 y contó con su banda de larga duración con Harold Mabern, Joe Farnsworth y John Webber. Un año más tarde, se emparejó con el Bernd Reiter Quintet para un álbum en vivo en Steeple Chase, seguido de otra sesión de invitado en You'll see de Federico Bonifazi, también en SteepleChase. El saxofonista también se reconectó con One for All para The third decade de 2016. Alexander después regresó a su propio trabajo de sesión con Second impression de 2016, que mostró al bajista octogenario Bob Cranshaw. Al año siguiente, entregó Song of no regrets, con apariciones del percusionista Alex Díaz y el trompetista invitado especial Jon Faddis. En 2019, publicó el álbum del trío, Leap of Faith, y también la sofisticada sesión orquestal Eric Alexander with strings. El primer álbum de Eric en Ubuntu Music, The New York All-Stars-Burnin' in London, también contó con Harold Mabern al piano, y se lanzó en septiembre de 2018.
El saxofonista es además un brillante educador, imparte cursos y seminarios por medio mundo y es requerido por las escuelas de música más reputadas de Estados Unidos. Sus clases las compagina con frecuentes actuaciones con Pat Martino, McCoy Tyner o con Chasing The Trane, un grupo de estrellas formado por Bobby Watson, Curtis Fuller, Cedar Walton, Jimmy Cobb y Ray Drummond, del que él mismo forma parte. Eric continúa viajando por el mundo y mostrando al público sus increíbles habilidades. Ahora su hogar está en Nueva York, donde actúa regularmente en los clubes de la ciudad, especialmente en el Smoke en el Upper West Side.
Fuentes: https://en.wikipedia.org, https://www.allmusic.com, https://indyrock.es, http://www.stonescafe.it, https://es.wikipedia.org, https://musicians.allaboutjazz.com, https://inter-jazz.com, http://www.weareubuntumusic.com, http://www.distritojazz.com, https://www.howold.co, https://www.last.fm, http://www.radioswissjazz.ch, https://jazzleadsheets.com, https://seminariodejazz.com, https://peoplepill.com, https://www.jazzhot.net, https://www.wegow.com, https://www.rincondesconexion.blogspot.com
Canciones recomendadas:
One for M, Here's that rainy day, The moving blues, Wives and lovers, In the still of the night (New York calling -Eric Alexander Quintet)
Straight up, What are you doing the rest of your life?, Blues waltz, Laura, The end of a love affair (Straight up -con Harold Mabern)
Up, over & out, Eronel, Bewitched (bothered & bewildered), I remember Clifford (Up, over & out)
What a difference a day made, Stay on it, To be with you, Trippin', Spank that pig, That's all (In Europe -Eric Alexander Quartet)
To the chief, The link, Number three, People will say we're in love, A beautiful friendship (Full range -Eric Alexander Sextet)
The eternal triangle, Polka dots and moonbeams/Old folks, Speak low, The night has a thousand eyes, Stablemates (Stablemates -con Lin Halliday)
Happy song, Pentimento, Mr. Harris, Angel eyes (Two of a kind)
Man with a horn, Unsung hero, A time for love, My shining hour, Stars fell on Alabama, Fiesta espagnola (Man with a horn)
Burner's waltz, Let's stay together, Explosion, Soft winds, Born to be blue, Carrot cake (Alexander the Great)
Mr. Stitt, Guess I'll hang my tears, Maybe september, Esther's step (Heavy hitters -Eric Alexander Quartet)
Mode for mabes, Sugar Ray, Love thy neighbor, Starway to the stars, Naima (Mode for mabes)
Stan's shuffle (Live at the Keynote -Eric Alexander Quartet)
Extra innings, I remember Britt, A nightingale sang in Berkeley Square, Edward Lee, No smoking (Extra innings -Eric Alexander Quartet)
Solid, Theme for Ernie, Fire waltz, Four, My conception, Straight street (Solid! -con John Hicks, George Mraz e Idris Muhammad)
The lamp is low, Moonlight becomes you, My love and I-Love theme from Apache, Dolphin dance, We're all alone (A love story -con Manhattan Trinity + 1)
Stand Pat, #34 was switness (for Walter Payton), The first Milestone, The Phineas trane, I'm glad there is you (The first Milestone)
Matchmaker, matchmaker, The second Milestone, Moment to moment, Estate, The cliffs of Asturias (The second Milestone)
Night train, Blueberry Hill, Lonely avenue, Blue 'n' boogie, America the beautiful (Groovin' blues -con Junior Mance Trio)
Summit meeting, I haven't got anything better to do, This girl's in love with you, Something's gotta give (Summit meeting)
Nemesis, I can dream can't I?, Nightlife in Tokyo, I'll be around, Cold smoke, Lock up and bow out (Nightlife in Tokyo)
Close up, I should care, Prisoner of love (Close up -con Jim Snidero)
The midnight sun will never set, Left alone, Chelsea bridge, Here's to life, Gently (Gentle ballads -con Mike LeDonne, John Webber y John Farnsworth)
One for Steve, Almost like being in love, It's magic, A few miles from Memphis, Search for peace, Dead center (Dead center)
Sunday in New York, Dearly beloved, Watch what happens, My girl is just enough woman for me, Alone together, My romance (Sunday in New York -Eric Alexander Quartet)
Where or when, Typhoon 11, Where is the love, It's all in the game, Open and shut, Ruby, my dear, Little Lucas (It's all in the game)
Mona Lisa, I got it bad (and that ain't good), Funny, I'm a fool to want you, Look of love, My ship (Gentle ballads II -Eric Alexander Quartet)
Temple of Olympic Zeus, Dave's system, Some other time, Blues for David, I'm gonna laugh you right out of my life (Temple of Olympic Zeus)
Sugar, Triste, My favorite things, Airegin, Lover man, Lazy bird (My favorite things -Eric Alexander Quartet)
Don't explain, All the way, Summertime, They say it's wonderful, Killing me softly with this song, Smoke gets in your eyes (Gentle ballads III -Eric Alexander Quartet)
Feelin' good, Lazy afternoon, Slow hot wind, My funny Valentine, Goodbye, Angel eyes (Lazy afternoon: Gentle ballads IV -Eric Alexander Quartet)
Why don't I?, Inner glimpse, Ow!, I can't give you anything but love, Sketchbook (Sketchbook - con Dave O'Higgins Quintet)
Revival, My grown up Christmas list, The island, Too late fall back baby, Blues for Phineas (Revival of the fittest)
You don't know what love is, Dear Lord, On the misty night, Pursuance, Afro blue, The night has a thousand eyes (Chim Chim Cheree -Eric Alexander Quartet)
Nomor senterbress, She's out of my life, Footsteps, Charade, Cavatina (from "The dear hunter") (Don't follow the crowd)
The thrill is gone, Tenderly, My one and only love, The shadow of your smile, Nature boy, Violets for your furs, Dear old Stockholm (Gentle ballads V -Eric Alexander Quartet)
Touching, Gone too soon, The way she makes me feel, Dinner for one please, James, I'm glad there is you (Touching)
Sayonara blues, Willow weep for me, Is it you, Caribe, Dance with me (Blues at midnight -Eric Alexander Quartet)
Corcovado, Recado bossa, Here's that rainy day, So in love (Recado bossa nova -Eric Alexander Quartet)
Save your love for me, The bee hive, Eddie Harris, Just one of those things, You talk that talk (Chicago fire)
The real thing, Pure Pat, Summertime, For George and Trane, Sleep warm, The chief (The real thing)
Second impression, So many stars, Blues for Mo, Jennie's dance, Everything happens to me, Full house (Second impression)
You'd be so nice to come home to, Just one of those things, Beautiful love, We've only just begun (Just one of those things -Eric Alexander Trio)
Is that so?, For all we know, On the trail, The surrey with the fringe on top, Invitation (Is that so? -con Andrew Dickeson)
But here's the thing, Grinder, Más que nada, Boom zoom, Up, up and away (Song of no regrets)
Luquitas, Hard blues, Frenzy, Big Richard, Second impression (Leap of faith)
Gently, Some other time, Lonely woman, The thrill is gone (With strings)
Blues for ant-man, Angel eyes, The jaunt, J Mac's dream, I didn't know what time it was (The jaunt)
One for all, Dig deep, I should care, Summertime, Payne's window (Dig deep)
Then and now, From the inside out, Old folks, Cousin Mary, Con alma (Crossfire)
Pinnacles, What is this thing called love?, Lament, Say when, Kenya (Say when)
Unforgettable, Europa (Earth's cry heaven's smile), Commitment to love, Heart attack, The kicker (Unforgettable)
I ain't jivin'...I'm jammin', City lights, World of competition, Sweety pie, Cease the bombing (I ain't jivin'...I'm jammin')
Nick of time, Free (wanna be free), I'm Rudy's blues, Always and forever, Giving praise (Ready 'n' able)
Blowing the blues away, Sweet love, For the love of you, This is the day (The Lord has made), Dolphin dance, Strollin' (Blowing the blues away)
Milestones, Sister Sadie, Killer Joe, Seven steps to heaven, Will you love me tomorrow, Stella by starlight (Cookin' with the Mighty Burner)
Time of my life, All the man I need, He is my shepherd, The count is in the house, Stomp, The creation (Stomp!)
Déjà vu, Memorial day, South Philly groove, The closer I get to you, Pick up the pieces (Keepers of the flames -Charles Earland Tribute Band)
Eddie's mood, Beautiful friendship, Lament, I'm not so sure, I see you, brother (Beautiful friendship -Joe Farnsworth Sextet)
Sweet Poppa, Old folks, It's prime time, Five spot after dark, Jose's lament (It's prime time)
The lyrical Coleman, Super prime time, In a sentimental mood, What a wonderful world, The spirit of Japan (Super prime time)
George's dilemma, Moanin', No fills, Greensleaves (My heroes -Tribute to the legends -Joe Farnsworth Quartet)
Naccara, A touch of green, Spring is here, Blues quarters, Cry me a river, Cheryl (Blues Quarters, Vol. 1)
On the boulevard, Jessica's night, Knocks me off my feet, East of the sun, Didn't we? (The Classic Trio Meets Eric Alexander)
Moon river, The look of love, Ask me now, Uptown after dark, Nancy (with the laughing face) (Manhattan autumn)
But here's the thing, Inner circle, Goin' out of my head, Unforgettable, Suddenly it's spring (Blues Quarters, Vol. 2)
I should care, Don't walk away, The inspiration suite IV: Gratitude, My ideal, Personage of Wes (The inspiration suite)
Aki's blues, For Cedar, Inversions, Dave's system, Everything I love (Inversions)
Blues up and down, Road song, Firm roots, Ritual dance (The battle -Live at Smoke)
Pat 'n' chat, Inception, Dig dis, You've changed, Here's that rainy day (Friendly fire -Live at Smoke)
The adventures of Hyun Joo Lee, The way he makes me feel, Rakin' and scrapin', Edward Lee (In the spirit of Coltrane and Cannonball)
Jubilation, One for Detroit, You are too beautiful, Willow weep for me (Jubilation)
Then & now, The sorcerer, Trane song, Round midnight, Insight (Then & now)
One for Don, Delilah, After the love has gone, You'll see, Superstar, They long to be close to you (Smokin' out loud)
After the love has gone, Lament, Delilah (You'll see! -Live at The Cellar)
Could it be I'm falling in love, Prayer for Mary, Bones (On fire -Live at Smoke)
Encounter, Hands, Good times, Manteca, Little M (Five live -Live at Smoke)
Rock with you, Blues for McCoy, Little Mary, I'm gonna make you love me, Sunday in New York, Bopsolete (The groover)
The backstabber, Keep the faith, The way you make me feel, Big John, Sweet sweetie Dee (Keep the faith)
Blues for Gene, The world is a ghetto, I love every little thing about you, I love music, Put on a happy face, Blues for ball (I love music)
Awwl right!, Love don't love nobody, Let it go, Mary Lou's blues, You are so beautiful (Awwl right!)
I'd never change a thing about you, That feelin', La la means I Love you, Sweet Papa Lou, This will be an everlasting love (That feelin')
Someday, From the heart, You'll never know what you mean to me, Come back baby, Fun day (From the heart)
How insensitive, Nancy (with the laughing face), Blue bossa, Black orpheus, Cheese cake, Recado bossa nova (Kiss of fire -Harold Mabern Trio)
The people tree, As long as she needs me, Hey there, I've gotta be me, Mr. Lucky, What kind of fool am I?, Night song (Mr. Lucky -A tribute to Sammy Davis Jr.)
The chief, Afro blue, The man from Hyde Park, Fools rush in, I'll take romance, Portrait of Jennie, Such is life (Afro blue)
To love and be loved, If there is someone lovelier than you, Inner glimpse, My funny Valentine, The Iron man, I get a kick out of you, Dat Dere (solo piano) (To love and be loved)
A few miles from Memphis, T-bone steak, Dear Lord, Nightlife in Tokyo, She's out of my life, How insensitive (The Iron Man: Live at Smoke)
Mr. Johnson, The lyrical Cole-man, Edward Lee, Rakin' and scrapin' (Mabern plays Mabern)
Angel eyes, Deep purple, Badlands, Everytime we say goodbye, Nomad (Badlands)
Streets of raith/Uptown, 50000 miles away, In walked boom, Black river (Green & blue)
Neckbones à la carte, Red roses for a blue lady, Red Cadillac boogaloo, That's all, Dishin' the dirt (McGriff's house party)
Almost like being in love, I could have danced all night, Nightlife in Tokyo, The night has a thousand eyes (Burnin' in London)
Encounter, Naima, Incazzato, Still, Second impressions (Live encounter)
Too soon to tell, Alfie, Dedicated to you, Betcha by Golly, wow, Blues for all (Too soon to tell)
Optimism, Stranger in Moscow, Straight up, All for one, Spring can really hang you up the most (Optimism)
D's blues, Perspective, We all love Eddie Harris, Just by myself, Upward and onward (Upward and onward)
A cry for understanding, Echoes in the night, The Poo, The good life, Summer nights (The long Haul)
The end of a love affair, Stolen moments, Corcovado, How are you, Shinjuki waltz (The end of a love affair)
The second Milestone, Betcha by Golly, wow, Too soon to tell, Dedicated to you, The lonely ones, We all love Eddie Harris (Live at Smoke, Volume 1)
The nomad, Nemesis, Central Park South, The conformist, A calling (Wide horizons)
No problem, Moanin', Time off, One for all (No problem: Tribute to Art Blakey)
Five outs go, We'll be together again, In between the heartaches, Blueslike, Yasashiku, Naima (Blueslike)
Killer Joe, Say when, You know I care, Mating call, Island (Killer Joe)
Little Lucas, Sweet and lovely, The lineup, Express train, Smooth (The lineup)
What's going on?, How sweet it is (to be loved by you), Let's stay together, Golden lady, Moon blue (What's going on)
Jackpipe, But not for me, Treatise for Reedus, Forty-four, Road to Marostica (Return of the lineup)
Petit Ange, Incorrigible, Blues for Jose, Back to back, So soon (Incorrigible)
Big G, Up the middle, Dear Ruth, For Cedar, Moments notice (Invades Vancouver! -Live at The Cellar)
Easy, Buddy's, It's easy to remember, For Curtis, Ruth, K-ray (The third decade)
The opening, I should care, Cerupa, Be wee, Cubop, Bosco (Cerupa)
Scotch and milk, Wilhelmenia, I'm goin' in, Et vous too, Cecil? (Scotch and milk)
Spiritus Parkus, Martin Luther King Jr., James, Payne's window, Tune up, Delilah (Payne's window)
Somewhere in the night, Stand Pat, Born to be blue, The shadow of your smile, Scotch thing (Wailin')
She, So in love, Never let me go, Black orpheus, Who can I turn to (Cookin')
Omicron, Crying blues, Tenderly, Make someone happy, Isn't it a lovely day, R & D bossa (Tenor time)
What a difference a day makes, What I did for love, Big fat daddy, One eyed man, Didn't we, Million dolar secret, This bitter end (Million dollar secret)
What now my love, Ain't doing too bad, All my tomorrows, Your mind is on vacation, Once there lived a fool, Walking on a tightrope (I ain't doing too bad)
I'm walkin', Mama, he treats your daughter mean, I believe I can fly, I'll take you back, If I never get to heaven, Long John blues (The uptown lowdown)
I'm gettin' tired, Ain't nobody sleepin'in my bed, One monkey don't stop no show, I took the backdoor out, If the world should end tomorrow, Time's getting thougher than the rest (One monkey don't stop no show)
Ninny Melina, Woodoo, Make believe, Too soon to tell, Indian summer (Introducing Jim Rotondi)
King of the hill, Last call, We'll be together again, Moonrays, You are the sunshine of my life, Jim's Bop (Jim's Bop)
Shortcake, Little B's poem, Excursions, What is there to say, Angel eyes, Jim's waltz (Excursions)
Baby, it's cold outside, Brother Ray, Cry me a river, One mint julep, Lonely avenue, Georgia on my mind (Blues for Brother Ray)
Blues for all, You know I care, Where are you, A higher calling (Live at Smalls)
Summit meeting, Amsterdam after dark, Cry me a river, Blue Moon, The loop (Hard hittin' at the bird's eye)
The offering, Alter ego, The rock, Theme from Star Trek (The offering)
Here's that rainy day, de su primer álbum New York calling con Eric Alexander Quintet:
Here's that rainy day - Eric Alexander Quintet
Canciones recomendadas:
One for M, Here's that rainy day, The moving blues, Wives and lovers, In the still of the night (New York calling -Eric Alexander Quintet)
Straight up, What are you doing the rest of your life?, Blues waltz, Laura, The end of a love affair (Straight up -con Harold Mabern)
Up, over & out, Eronel, Bewitched (bothered & bewildered), I remember Clifford (Up, over & out)
What a difference a day made, Stay on it, To be with you, Trippin', Spank that pig, That's all (In Europe -Eric Alexander Quartet)
To the chief, The link, Number three, People will say we're in love, A beautiful friendship (Full range -Eric Alexander Sextet)
The eternal triangle, Polka dots and moonbeams/Old folks, Speak low, The night has a thousand eyes, Stablemates (Stablemates -con Lin Halliday)
Happy song, Pentimento, Mr. Harris, Angel eyes (Two of a kind)
Man with a horn, Unsung hero, A time for love, My shining hour, Stars fell on Alabama, Fiesta espagnola (Man with a horn)
Burner's waltz, Let's stay together, Explosion, Soft winds, Born to be blue, Carrot cake (Alexander the Great)
Mr. Stitt, Guess I'll hang my tears, Maybe september, Esther's step (Heavy hitters -Eric Alexander Quartet)
Mode for mabes, Sugar Ray, Love thy neighbor, Starway to the stars, Naima (Mode for mabes)
Stan's shuffle (Live at the Keynote -Eric Alexander Quartet)
Extra innings, I remember Britt, A nightingale sang in Berkeley Square, Edward Lee, No smoking (Extra innings -Eric Alexander Quartet)
Solid, Theme for Ernie, Fire waltz, Four, My conception, Straight street (Solid! -con John Hicks, George Mraz e Idris Muhammad)
The lamp is low, Moonlight becomes you, My love and I-Love theme from Apache, Dolphin dance, We're all alone (A love story -con Manhattan Trinity + 1)
Stand Pat, #34 was switness (for Walter Payton), The first Milestone, The Phineas trane, I'm glad there is you (The first Milestone)
Matchmaker, matchmaker, The second Milestone, Moment to moment, Estate, The cliffs of Asturias (The second Milestone)
Night train, Blueberry Hill, Lonely avenue, Blue 'n' boogie, America the beautiful (Groovin' blues -con Junior Mance Trio)
Summit meeting, I haven't got anything better to do, This girl's in love with you, Something's gotta give (Summit meeting)
Nemesis, I can dream can't I?, Nightlife in Tokyo, I'll be around, Cold smoke, Lock up and bow out (Nightlife in Tokyo)
Close up, I should care, Prisoner of love (Close up -con Jim Snidero)
The midnight sun will never set, Left alone, Chelsea bridge, Here's to life, Gently (Gentle ballads -con Mike LeDonne, John Webber y John Farnsworth)
One for Steve, Almost like being in love, It's magic, A few miles from Memphis, Search for peace, Dead center (Dead center)
Sunday in New York, Dearly beloved, Watch what happens, My girl is just enough woman for me, Alone together, My romance (Sunday in New York -Eric Alexander Quartet)
Where or when, Typhoon 11, Where is the love, It's all in the game, Open and shut, Ruby, my dear, Little Lucas (It's all in the game)
Mona Lisa, I got it bad (and that ain't good), Funny, I'm a fool to want you, Look of love, My ship (Gentle ballads II -Eric Alexander Quartet)
Temple of Olympic Zeus, Dave's system, Some other time, Blues for David, I'm gonna laugh you right out of my life (Temple of Olympic Zeus)
Sugar, Triste, My favorite things, Airegin, Lover man, Lazy bird (My favorite things -Eric Alexander Quartet)
Don't explain, All the way, Summertime, They say it's wonderful, Killing me softly with this song, Smoke gets in your eyes (Gentle ballads III -Eric Alexander Quartet)
Feelin' good, Lazy afternoon, Slow hot wind, My funny Valentine, Goodbye, Angel eyes (Lazy afternoon: Gentle ballads IV -Eric Alexander Quartet)
Why don't I?, Inner glimpse, Ow!, I can't give you anything but love, Sketchbook (Sketchbook - con Dave O'Higgins Quintet)
Revival, My grown up Christmas list, The island, Too late fall back baby, Blues for Phineas (Revival of the fittest)
You don't know what love is, Dear Lord, On the misty night, Pursuance, Afro blue, The night has a thousand eyes (Chim Chim Cheree -Eric Alexander Quartet)
Nomor senterbress, She's out of my life, Footsteps, Charade, Cavatina (from "The dear hunter") (Don't follow the crowd)
The thrill is gone, Tenderly, My one and only love, The shadow of your smile, Nature boy, Violets for your furs, Dear old Stockholm (Gentle ballads V -Eric Alexander Quartet)
Touching, Gone too soon, The way she makes me feel, Dinner for one please, James, I'm glad there is you (Touching)
Sayonara blues, Willow weep for me, Is it you, Caribe, Dance with me (Blues at midnight -Eric Alexander Quartet)
Corcovado, Recado bossa, Here's that rainy day, So in love (Recado bossa nova -Eric Alexander Quartet)
Save your love for me, The bee hive, Eddie Harris, Just one of those things, You talk that talk (Chicago fire)
The real thing, Pure Pat, Summertime, For George and Trane, Sleep warm, The chief (The real thing)
Second impression, So many stars, Blues for Mo, Jennie's dance, Everything happens to me, Full house (Second impression)
You'd be so nice to come home to, Just one of those things, Beautiful love, We've only just begun (Just one of those things -Eric Alexander Trio)
Is that so?, For all we know, On the trail, The surrey with the fringe on top, Invitation (Is that so? -con Andrew Dickeson)
But here's the thing, Grinder, Más que nada, Boom zoom, Up, up and away (Song of no regrets)
Luquitas, Hard blues, Frenzy, Big Richard, Second impression (Leap of faith)
Gently, Some other time, Lonely woman, The thrill is gone (With strings)
Blues for ant-man, Angel eyes, The jaunt, J Mac's dream, I didn't know what time it was (The jaunt)
One for all, Dig deep, I should care, Summertime, Payne's window (Dig deep)
Then and now, From the inside out, Old folks, Cousin Mary, Con alma (Crossfire)
Pinnacles, What is this thing called love?, Lament, Say when, Kenya (Say when)
Unforgettable, Europa (Earth's cry heaven's smile), Commitment to love, Heart attack, The kicker (Unforgettable)
I ain't jivin'...I'm jammin', City lights, World of competition, Sweety pie, Cease the bombing (I ain't jivin'...I'm jammin')
Nick of time, Free (wanna be free), I'm Rudy's blues, Always and forever, Giving praise (Ready 'n' able)
Blowing the blues away, Sweet love, For the love of you, This is the day (The Lord has made), Dolphin dance, Strollin' (Blowing the blues away)
Milestones, Sister Sadie, Killer Joe, Seven steps to heaven, Will you love me tomorrow, Stella by starlight (Cookin' with the Mighty Burner)
Time of my life, All the man I need, He is my shepherd, The count is in the house, Stomp, The creation (Stomp!)
Déjà vu, Memorial day, South Philly groove, The closer I get to you, Pick up the pieces (Keepers of the flames -Charles Earland Tribute Band)
Eddie's mood, Beautiful friendship, Lament, I'm not so sure, I see you, brother (Beautiful friendship -Joe Farnsworth Sextet)
Sweet Poppa, Old folks, It's prime time, Five spot after dark, Jose's lament (It's prime time)
The lyrical Coleman, Super prime time, In a sentimental mood, What a wonderful world, The spirit of Japan (Super prime time)
George's dilemma, Moanin', No fills, Greensleaves (My heroes -Tribute to the legends -Joe Farnsworth Quartet)
Naccara, A touch of green, Spring is here, Blues quarters, Cry me a river, Cheryl (Blues Quarters, Vol. 1)
On the boulevard, Jessica's night, Knocks me off my feet, East of the sun, Didn't we? (The Classic Trio Meets Eric Alexander)
Moon river, The look of love, Ask me now, Uptown after dark, Nancy (with the laughing face) (Manhattan autumn)
But here's the thing, Inner circle, Goin' out of my head, Unforgettable, Suddenly it's spring (Blues Quarters, Vol. 2)
I should care, Don't walk away, The inspiration suite IV: Gratitude, My ideal, Personage of Wes (The inspiration suite)
Aki's blues, For Cedar, Inversions, Dave's system, Everything I love (Inversions)
Blues up and down, Road song, Firm roots, Ritual dance (The battle -Live at Smoke)
Pat 'n' chat, Inception, Dig dis, You've changed, Here's that rainy day (Friendly fire -Live at Smoke)
The adventures of Hyun Joo Lee, The way he makes me feel, Rakin' and scrapin', Edward Lee (In the spirit of Coltrane and Cannonball)
Jubilation, One for Detroit, You are too beautiful, Willow weep for me (Jubilation)
Then & now, The sorcerer, Trane song, Round midnight, Insight (Then & now)
One for Don, Delilah, After the love has gone, You'll see, Superstar, They long to be close to you (Smokin' out loud)
After the love has gone, Lament, Delilah (You'll see! -Live at The Cellar)
Could it be I'm falling in love, Prayer for Mary, Bones (On fire -Live at Smoke)
Encounter, Hands, Good times, Manteca, Little M (Five live -Live at Smoke)
Rock with you, Blues for McCoy, Little Mary, I'm gonna make you love me, Sunday in New York, Bopsolete (The groover)
The backstabber, Keep the faith, The way you make me feel, Big John, Sweet sweetie Dee (Keep the faith)
Blues for Gene, The world is a ghetto, I love every little thing about you, I love music, Put on a happy face, Blues for ball (I love music)
Awwl right!, Love don't love nobody, Let it go, Mary Lou's blues, You are so beautiful (Awwl right!)
I'd never change a thing about you, That feelin', La la means I Love you, Sweet Papa Lou, This will be an everlasting love (That feelin')
Someday, From the heart, You'll never know what you mean to me, Come back baby, Fun day (From the heart)
How insensitive, Nancy (with the laughing face), Blue bossa, Black orpheus, Cheese cake, Recado bossa nova (Kiss of fire -Harold Mabern Trio)
The people tree, As long as she needs me, Hey there, I've gotta be me, Mr. Lucky, What kind of fool am I?, Night song (Mr. Lucky -A tribute to Sammy Davis Jr.)
The chief, Afro blue, The man from Hyde Park, Fools rush in, I'll take romance, Portrait of Jennie, Such is life (Afro blue)
To love and be loved, If there is someone lovelier than you, Inner glimpse, My funny Valentine, The Iron man, I get a kick out of you, Dat Dere (solo piano) (To love and be loved)
A few miles from Memphis, T-bone steak, Dear Lord, Nightlife in Tokyo, She's out of my life, How insensitive (The Iron Man: Live at Smoke)
Mr. Johnson, The lyrical Cole-man, Edward Lee, Rakin' and scrapin' (Mabern plays Mabern)
Angel eyes, Deep purple, Badlands, Everytime we say goodbye, Nomad (Badlands)
Streets of raith/Uptown, 50000 miles away, In walked boom, Black river (Green & blue)
Neckbones à la carte, Red roses for a blue lady, Red Cadillac boogaloo, That's all, Dishin' the dirt (McGriff's house party)
Almost like being in love, I could have danced all night, Nightlife in Tokyo, The night has a thousand eyes (Burnin' in London)
Encounter, Naima, Incazzato, Still, Second impressions (Live encounter)
Too soon to tell, Alfie, Dedicated to you, Betcha by Golly, wow, Blues for all (Too soon to tell)
Optimism, Stranger in Moscow, Straight up, All for one, Spring can really hang you up the most (Optimism)
D's blues, Perspective, We all love Eddie Harris, Just by myself, Upward and onward (Upward and onward)
A cry for understanding, Echoes in the night, The Poo, The good life, Summer nights (The long Haul)
The end of a love affair, Stolen moments, Corcovado, How are you, Shinjuki waltz (The end of a love affair)
The second Milestone, Betcha by Golly, wow, Too soon to tell, Dedicated to you, The lonely ones, We all love Eddie Harris (Live at Smoke, Volume 1)
The nomad, Nemesis, Central Park South, The conformist, A calling (Wide horizons)
No problem, Moanin', Time off, One for all (No problem: Tribute to Art Blakey)
Five outs go, We'll be together again, In between the heartaches, Blueslike, Yasashiku, Naima (Blueslike)
Killer Joe, Say when, You know I care, Mating call, Island (Killer Joe)
Little Lucas, Sweet and lovely, The lineup, Express train, Smooth (The lineup)
What's going on?, How sweet it is (to be loved by you), Let's stay together, Golden lady, Moon blue (What's going on)
Jackpipe, But not for me, Treatise for Reedus, Forty-four, Road to Marostica (Return of the lineup)
Petit Ange, Incorrigible, Blues for Jose, Back to back, So soon (Incorrigible)
Big G, Up the middle, Dear Ruth, For Cedar, Moments notice (Invades Vancouver! -Live at The Cellar)
Easy, Buddy's, It's easy to remember, For Curtis, Ruth, K-ray (The third decade)
The opening, I should care, Cerupa, Be wee, Cubop, Bosco (Cerupa)
Scotch and milk, Wilhelmenia, I'm goin' in, Et vous too, Cecil? (Scotch and milk)
Spiritus Parkus, Martin Luther King Jr., James, Payne's window, Tune up, Delilah (Payne's window)
Somewhere in the night, Stand Pat, Born to be blue, The shadow of your smile, Scotch thing (Wailin')
She, So in love, Never let me go, Black orpheus, Who can I turn to (Cookin')
Omicron, Crying blues, Tenderly, Make someone happy, Isn't it a lovely day, R & D bossa (Tenor time)
What a difference a day makes, What I did for love, Big fat daddy, One eyed man, Didn't we, Million dolar secret, This bitter end (Million dollar secret)
What now my love, Ain't doing too bad, All my tomorrows, Your mind is on vacation, Once there lived a fool, Walking on a tightrope (I ain't doing too bad)
I'm walkin', Mama, he treats your daughter mean, I believe I can fly, I'll take you back, If I never get to heaven, Long John blues (The uptown lowdown)
I'm gettin' tired, Ain't nobody sleepin'in my bed, One monkey don't stop no show, I took the backdoor out, If the world should end tomorrow, Time's getting thougher than the rest (One monkey don't stop no show)
Ninny Melina, Woodoo, Make believe, Too soon to tell, Indian summer (Introducing Jim Rotondi)
King of the hill, Last call, We'll be together again, Moonrays, You are the sunshine of my life, Jim's Bop (Jim's Bop)
Shortcake, Little B's poem, Excursions, What is there to say, Angel eyes, Jim's waltz (Excursions)
Baby, it's cold outside, Brother Ray, Cry me a river, One mint julep, Lonely avenue, Georgia on my mind (Blues for Brother Ray)
Blues for all, You know I care, Where are you, A higher calling (Live at Smalls)
Summit meeting, Amsterdam after dark, Cry me a river, Blue Moon, The loop (Hard hittin' at the bird's eye)
The offering, Alter ego, The rock, Theme from Star Trek (The offering)
Here's that rainy day, de su primer álbum New York calling con Eric Alexander Quintet:
Here's that rainy day - Eric Alexander Quintet
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